Pregnancy Massage

  • Pregnancy Massage


Massage is extremely beneficial during the pre & post natal period. It is nurturing for both mother and baby and helps to provide a calm, bonding time in the womb and out.

Pregnancy massage is helpful throughout pregnancy as well as in labor. Katia works with a combination of classical massage, shiatsu techniques and acupressure. The massage takes place in a side position with the bump fully supported or in supine and frontal position at the beginning of pregnancy. Skilled massage is a wonderful way to relieve the physical discomfort and emotional stress that can accompany pregnancy. It relaxes the mind and body, relieves muscular tension, promotes well-being and allows for improved sleep.

As a pregnancy massage and Shiatsu therapist, Katia loves working with expectant mothers. The techniques she employs can help enormously with the specific physical discomforts that each trimester can bring.


Katia Wharton is a trained Massage and Shiatsu therapist with additional training in perinatal Shiatsu. She has worked in the maternity ward of a local hospital where she accompanied many women during labour, making use of shiatsu and massage techniques as well as her knowledge as yoga teacher.



One session (60 mins): 135.-



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Köchlistrasse  2
8004 Zürich


076 392 65 22